Our Compensation Package

Life Products

Our standard compensation arrangement with most carriers is an override of 160% as a percentage of First Year Commissions (note some specialty carriers have unique compensation arrangements).

We feel this is a competitive offering. However under no circumstances do we want you to sacrifice financially when deciding between MGA’s. As such we are willing to match any current override level.

Segregated Funds/Money Products/Investia Mutual Funds

Your compensation is driven by your AUM.

Group/Employee Benefits via BBD

Your compensation paid via the wealthLINK arrangement with BBD is the same as if dealing direct (normally in the 8% to 10% of premium).

Medical Access Insurance via Acure Health

Your compensation paid via the wealthLINK arrangement with Acure Health is the same as if dealing direct (10% flat every year).

Please note this is a summary only. We are not liable for any errors or omissions
Full details are enclosed in the commission schedules.